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Top things that will affect your car insurance premium

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Here are the top things that will affect how much money your car insurance is costing you:
Your driving record
If you have a bad driving record you are going to be putting out more money for your car insurance each month. The longer you go without having an accident the lower your car insurance rate will get.
Want to put more people on your policy?
Adding people to your car insurance policy can affect the amount of money that your car insurance costs you. If the other person has a bad driving record then you may find yourself having to pay their rates for your insurance.
If you are young you could be facing higher car insurance rates as well. This is because you are not as experienced a driver and therefore you are seen as a higher risk. The same is true if you are a male. Men are riskier to insure than females and this means that you may have to pay more.
Get an alarm
If you get an alarm and you agree to use other anti theft  devices you may be able to get a discount on your car insurance. Ask your car insurance agent what kinds of measures you could put in place that would allow them to give you a better deal on your car insurance.


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